Company is offering 88 lakh rupees to smoke weed all day cannabis sommelier job vacancy weird job offer

Company is Offering 88 Lakh Ruppes to Smoke Weed: Wherever you go in the world, smoking is affecting people in one way or the other. Somewhere people make intoxicating smoke from natural things, and somewhere they are working with cigarettes and beedis. The special thing about smokers is that they talk about quitting everyday but are unable to quit. A job has come in the market for such bald people, here they are being offered a good salary instead of smoking marijuana.

The company has given amazing job offers especially to the bald ones. According to the job advertisement, all you have to do is smoke ganja and in return you will get a hefty salary of Rs 88 lakh. Now the bald guys have lined up for this job, that means the competition is not less here too. On social media, people are stunned to hear about this job, but this strange job offer has been taken out for professional ganja drinkers.

Company wants expert bald
A German company is looking for an employee who is professionally bald. Don’t be surprised, the name of this company is ‘Cannabis Sommelier’ and it is looking for a professional smoker for itself. They are looking for a ‘Weed Expert’ to check the quality of the products. Cologne-based Canamedical sells cannabis as a medicine to German pharmacies. For this, he is looking for people who can smell, feel and smoke his product to check its quality.

Salary is being given 88 lakh rupees
The company’s CEO David Hein told Bild that he is looking for an employee who can do standard monitoring of our products for countries like Australia, Canada, Portugal, Macedonia and Denmark. The employee will also have to check the quality of the delivered material in Germany. The funny thing is that there is a tough competition for this job also because bald men have started applying for it. However, the catch with the job is that the employee must be a cannabis patient and must also have a license to legally smoke marijuana in Germany.

Tags: Ajab Gajab, Viral news, Weird news

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