Conspiracy to assassinate Kim Jong Un! Neighboring country’s army is practicing throat cutting, sensational revelation

Not only the family members but also the neighboring countries are troubled by the eccentric dictator. When it comes to North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un, then what more needs to be said. Kim keeps threatening nuclear attacks on neighboring countries every day. Launching destructive weapons. But now preparations are being made for his ‘murder’. The army of the neighboring country is doing ‘decapitation drills’. This sensational revelation has been made by none other than a senior leader of North Korea’s neighboring country, South Korea.

According to the New York Post report, South Korean (ROK) Defense Minister Shin Won-sik said during an interview when asked by reporters, killing the dictator is an option to confront North Korea. Yes, we are working on this option. Our army is drilling for this. However, it is difficult to discuss beheading openly. But we have this option to oust the supreme leader of the Hermit Kingdom. This has been discussed for at least 6 years.

Army conducting aerial maneuvers
This comment of South Korea’s Defense Minister Kim Jong has come after his statement in which he had told his plan for 2024. On December 31, North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un had said that we are planning to launch 3 more spy satellites in 2024. We will expand nuclear weapons. Will launch new spy satellites. Because we fear that enemy countries may attack us at any time. Journalists were taking Shin Won-sik’s reaction on this statement. He said, this training is for air manoeuvres, raids on key facilities and indoor mop-up.

American Army is also giving support
South Korea’s Defense Minister said, the American Army is also supporting us in this exercise. The US Army’s Special Forces and our army had also conducted a similar drill in December. Let us tell you that North Korea had shown its nuclear weapons to the world for the first time in March 2023. Experts say that even though those weapons are small, they can prove to be destructive. Can even cause huge devastation in America and South Korea;

Tags: amazing news, Bizarre news, Kim Jong Un, North Korea tension, OMG News, Shocking news, trending news, Weird news

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