Construction of Multi Model Logistics Park will start from July in Varanasi – Amar Ujala Hindi News Live

Officers present during the meeting.
– Photo : Amar Ujala


The construction of boundary wall of the multi-model logistics park to be built in Ramnagar (Ralhupur) will start from July. On Thursday, IWAI Chairman AK Mishra, Commissioner Kaushal Raj Sharma, DM S. Rajlingam held a meeting with entrepreneurs and officers of railways and other departments. After this, the land in Ramnagar was inspected. The possibilities of developing it were discussed and suggestions were sought.

After construction, it will be run on PPP model. In such a situation, what facilities does the industry want and what will be the conditions of the companies. All these issues were also discussed in the meeting. Companies of the Government of India were also made to visit on Thursday. After the construction of the boundary wall, it will be further developed as per the demand.

To connect Purvanchal’s business activities with the country’s big cities and foreign markets, the state’s first logistics hub will start being built in Banaras from next month. Along with the export zone, a packaging institute etc. will be developed here.

Commissioner Kaushal Raj Sharma said that being on the banks of Ganga and highway, not only water and road routes are developed, but preparations have also been made to lay a railway line. About six kilometers of line will come up to this place, which will also connect it to the railway line. Goods can be easily sent to other countries including Bangladesh through water transport.

With strong connectivity through road and rail lines, goods can be easily sent to the big cities of the country at low cost. Land acquisition work has been completed. Now warehouses are to be built here, therefore suggestions were taken from entrepreneurs and shareholders through meetings and they were made to visit. So that they can understand their needs and the park can be constructed accordingly.

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