consume this thing before sleeping at night stomach problem will solve soon

Due to the changing eating habits of today, the problem of gas and acidity has now become common among people. Due to which problems like heartburn, nervousness, restlessness increase. Due to this, the problem of not being able to sleep throughout the night has also been seen in people. Its immediate treatment is very important. In such situations people get worried. To avoid this, today we will tell you about one such thing by consuming which you can get relief from these problems.

We are talking about celery. Celery is easily available in the kitchen of every home. Consuming it in quantity relieves stomach related problems. Celery contains an element called thymol which helps in improving digestion and digests food easily. Celery helps in neutralizing the acid present in the stomach, which provides relief from problems like heartburn and acidity.

Celery also provides relief from nervousness and restlessness caused during acidity. Celery is also considered very beneficial for those who are suffering from obesity. Apart from this, celery is also very helpful in protecting from fungal infections. Not only this, celery is considered very beneficial for women, it provides relief from stomach ache during periods. If you are troubled by hair problems then you can consume celery, it makes hair strong and thick.

consume it like this

You can consume celery in many ways like you can eat it directly by chewing it, take it with water, you can also consume it after roasting. You can also consume celery by adding it to tea. Not only this, you can also mix it in the flour of roti or paratha, it is also consumed by adding it to vegetable dal. It is worth noting that its excessive consumption can harm some people and pregnant women should consume it only after consulting a doctor.

Disclaimer: Some information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, you must consult the concerned expert.

Also read: Almonds: Is it better to consume soaked almonds or raw almonds, which one is more beneficial?

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