Coronavirus Cases China Warns Who For Fair Investigation On Coronavirus Full Details Matter | Coronavirus Cases: China’s absurd reply on asking for data of Corona epidemic, said

Coronavirus Cases in India: The World Health Organization (WHO) has once again put pressure on China to share data about the origin of the coronavirus. WHO chief Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said that China has not shared information about Corona with us, due to which all hypotheses are hanging in the balance with half-incomplete figures. In response to this statement of the World Health Organisation, China had demanded an impartial inquiry into seeking information from the WHO. Apart from this, China’s health officer Shen Hongbing had warned the WHO to avoid politics regarding the origin of the virus so that it does not become dust of other countries.

In response to a question about the origin of the virus, Ghebreyesus said, “Without having full access to the information that China has, you cannot say anything. We are asking China to cooperate on this so that we can Will know what happened and how it started. According to the CNA report, Ghebreyesus told that the virus was first identified in the Chinese city of Wuhan in December 2019. After which it spread across the world and killed about 7 million people. Apart from this, the WHO chief expressed concern that if China does not provide data, then the origin of this virus will never be known.

corona virus There are many theories about
According to media information, many reports have said that the virus originated from China. Also, many people allege that Wuhan has a big animal market where bats and other animals are sold in the open, due to which it was born. Apart from this, many reports claimed that this virus originated from the same place. Although a team from the World Health Organization also visited the spot, it did not publish any concrete report against Beijing. Also, many times China has also rejected these reports.

WHO’s Dr. Maria Van Kerkhove said that no specific answers have been found on the origin from the new Chinese information. He said that WHO is now working with scientists to find out more about the early 2019 cases. Earlier in February, the United States Department of Energy re-evaluated the leak theory and claimed that the virus was leaked from a lab in Wuhan city of China in 2019. At the same time, America claimed that China did not tell it “deliberately”, due to which crores of people died worldwide.

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