CoronaVirus In India Experts Said India Does Not Need The 4th Corona Vaccine Right Now Know Reason

Coronavirus In India: Concerned about the rapidly spreading coronavirus infection in countries around the world, many countries are giving their citizens the third and even fourth booster dose of the anti-covid vaccine, but experts It is to be said that there is no need for the fourth dose of corona vaccine (4th boostr dose) in India right now.

Till now many people who have completed vaccination by getting both the vaccines against Kovid in the country have not taken even a single booster dose till now. In such a situation, experts say that for this in India people need to be given booster dose first.

Corona is spreading rapidly in China at the highest speed in the whole world and because of this India is also worried and the fear of the fourth wave is troubling the country. So, should the government allow people to apply one more booster dose for the protection of two vaccines of Corona? On this question, some scientists say that the government should first assess the ground level of its health system and then think about it.

No need for fourth dose of vaccine

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Experts said that there is no need for the fourth dose of the corona vaccine at this time as most of the people in the country have not yet received the third dose and there is no question on the usefulness of the currently used vaccines being given as booster doses. Data is also not available. Apart from this, a large number of people in India have already been exposed to the virus and have been vaccinated, so India’s situation is quite different from other countries of the world.

Satyajit Rath, who teaches at the Indian Institute of Science Education and Research (IISER), Pune, said, “There is no reason to expect that India will have a China-like situation. The situation in China today is mainly due to the zero-covid policies being adopted in the country for almost three years.

China and India are different

Let us tell you that in the last few weeks, thousands of cases of corona infection are being reported every day in China. On the other hand, according to the data released by the Union Ministry of Health in India, on Wednesday, India with a daily infection rate of 0.14 percent and a weekly infection rate of 0.18 percent. corona virus 188 new cases of infection have been registered.

Satyajit Rath told the news agency ‘PTI-Bhasha’, “Apart from vaccination, the situation in India is quite different due to herd immunity among the people widely in the country. The Kovid virus is spreading not only in China, but in many countries around the world. Many types of Kovid are mutating, so its new forms (variants) are emerging everywhere.

If herd immunity is not made then any vaccine is useless

Immunologist Vinita Bal, also from IISER Pune, said, “The Omicron wave hit India about a year back. If due to this infection if in our body omicron If immunity is not made to fight against it, then none of the vaccines currently available in India will provide further protection from the new variant. We are seeing that countries like the US and the UK, where vaccination has been completed, are giving additional doses to disabled people whose immune systems are weak, along with the third and fourth booster doses.

Panic reaction seeking fourth dose

Former President of the Indian Medical Association, Dr. J.A. Jailal said on Tuesday that the IMA in a meeting urged Union Health Minister Mansukh Mandaviya to consider giving the fourth dose of the vaccine to health workers and frontline workers.

This meeting was held regarding increasing cases in countries like China, Japan, South Korea and Thailand. However, Bal does not agree with the idea of ​​giving a fourth dose and believes that it is not needed at the moment due to several reasons.

People haven’t received the third dose yet

Bal, attached to IISER, Pune, told ‘PTI-Bhasha’, “Most Indians above the age of 18 have received the first dose, but a large number of people have not received the second or third dose. So if doctors are asking for additional booster doses, it is a panic reaction without a reality check.”

According to government figures, only about 22.35 crore people have been given booster doses, which is 27 percent of the total population eligible for the third dose. Booster dose is yet to be given to the large population.

still need to be careful

The force says that the daily report of Corona should be monitored. Initially, random screening of passengers landing at the airport should be done and if cases increase, those patients should be regularly screened. Rath concurred with the views of the force, saying the authorities did not seem to have made any major effort to administer the third “precautionary” dose to all.

In Rath’s view, there is as yet no evidence to indicate any major nationwide ‘wave’ of severe Covid illness. He said that both the government and the society have failed to recognize that the pandemic is still going on. Guidelines will have to be made regarding this and followed.

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