Coronavirus News Britain Require COVID 19 Negative Test Report Passengers Arriving From China

Coronavirus in Britain: in china omicron Countries around the world are showing alerts amidst the panic from all variants of BF.7 (Omicron BF.7). After the rise in cases due to the new variant of Corona in China, the British government is also looking very serious about it. Britain has imposed restrictions on passengers coming from China amid the rapid increase in cases of Coronavirus infection. Those coming to Britain from China will have to present a report of not being infected with Kovid-19.

From 5 January 2023, passengers coming to Britain from China will have to show a negative test report of Kovid-19 (COVID-19) before traveling. India and Japan have also made the corona test mandatory for passengers coming from China.

Mandatory of negative report

According to the guideline issued by the British government, it is necessary for the passengers coming from China to show the negative report of their corona test in Britain. According to the UK government, the negative test report should not be more than two days old from the time of departure. There are no direct flights from China to Scotland, Wales or Northern Ireland but the government has said that it will implement these restrictions across the United Kingdom (UK) as soon as possible.

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What did the UK health minister say?

UK Health Minister Steve Barclay said on Friday (December 30), “Covid-19 cases are increasing in China. In such a situation, it is necessary for us to adopt a balanced and precautionary approach while announcing these temporary measures. Our scientists will rapidly study the possible new variants spreading in China. Although, corona virus Vaccination is the most effective way to prevent it.

Passengers will not board the flight without report

The British Government (UK Govt) has clarified that airlines will have to see the pre-departure negative test report (COVID Test Report) of all passengers coming from China. In the instructions issued by the government, it has been said that without giving proof of not being infected with Corona, passengers will not be allowed to board the flight.

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