Coronavirus Origin Humans Brought Covid To Wuhan MarketChinese Scientist

China: How the corona virus originated, it remains a mystery even today. Various claims have been made regarding the origin of the virus. According to the claims of scientists, it originated from the Wuhan market in China. Now a Chinese scientist has claimed that the COVID-19 virus may have originated in humans.

Tong Yigang of Beijing University of Chemical Technology said that the genetic sequences of viral samples taken from Huanan Seafood Market in Wuhan were almost identical to those of patients infected with Kovid. This shows that covid originated from humans only. During this, the Chinese scientist rejected the claims that it was being said that corona virus Came to humans from bats in Wuhan market or raccoon dogs could be the source of Kovid-19 virus.

Speaking to reporters at an event organized by the Chinese State Council, Tong Yigang said scientists took more than 1,300 environmental and frozen animal samples from the Wuhan market between January 2020 and March 2020. They then isolated three strains of the virus from environmental samples.

In this program, Zhou Lei, a researcher at the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), said that the place where Kovid was first discovered did not necessarily originate from the same place.

China targets WHO

Significantly, it was earlier asked by the World Health Organization to share genetic information with China regarding the Kovid-19 virus. Responding to this, China targeted the WHO. China called the WHO’s statement sharing information as disgusting and insulting.

What did WHO say

The World Health Organization reprimanded China for not sharing enough data. The WHO had said that without full access to the information that China has, all hypotheses are only on paper.

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