Cough that lasts for 100 days is a symptom of a serious disease, know its causes and method of treatment.

If you or your child is suffering from severe cough for a few days, then we have some special tips for you. 100 days long cough is also called ‘pertussis’ or whooping cough. Due to changing weather, cases of this disease are continuously increasing in some places.  But the question arises whether it is really a chronic disease? How can we avoid this? Today through this article we will tell you about the symptoms, causes and ways to avoid whooping cough.

What is 100 days cough?

100 days is also called pertussis. This is a severe cough which causes infection in the respiratory tract. In this it becomes very important to take the vaccine. Especially if a small child starts having this cough, then take them to the doctor without wasting time. If a patient suffering from this gets it, it can spread through coughing, sneezing or even talking. Anyone can suffer from pertussis, it can be especially dangerous for infants and young children, who have weak immunity and this disease quickly makes them their victims. 

Symptoms of whooping cough:

Early symptoms (1-2 weeks)

Runny or stuffy nose, mild fever, mild cough (children may not cough at all but may experience apnea or cyanosis). These symptoms can be easily confused with common cold, due to which this disease starts troubling for a long time. 

Later symptoms (2-10 weeks)

Severe coughing attacks, often with worsening of the problem at night. As soon as a person inhales, a severe cough starts. Vomiting, fatigue and difficulty in breathing may also occur.

Causes of whooping cough:

The culprit behind pertussis is the bacterium Bordetella pertussis. It spreads easily through the air when an infected person coughs, sneezes or talks. The risk of getting whooping cough increases significantly due to close contact with an infected person.


Early detection and appropriate treatment of pertussis is important to reduce the severity of symptoms and prevent the spread of infection. Antibiotics such as azithromycin or erythromycin are usually given to individuals suffering from pertussis. These medicines can help reduce the duration and severity of symptoms and reduce the chance of spreading the infection to others.

Vaccination is the most effective way to prevent pertussis. DTaP (diphtheria, tetanus, and acellular pertussis) vaccine is routinely given to infants and young children. Which provides protection from whooping cough and its complications. Apart from this, a booster vaccine called Tdap is given to youth and adults to maintain immunity. 

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