Couldn’t find petrol… so reached on horse to deliver food, people saw such a sight for the first time, video goes viral

news desk: Many colors of life were seen during the Corona lockdown. Many such devices were seen which, along with fulfilling the needs of the people, were also a matter of surprise. A similar scene was seen after the nationwide strike by truck-tanker drivers in protest against the hit and run law. Everyone was struggling with the shortage of petrol and diesel at pumps across the country. There was a similar atmosphere in Hyderabad also. No petrol boards were installed at many petrol pumps.

Meanwhile, a food delivery boy had to go to the customer’s house to deliver the order, but his bike ran out of petrol. Petrol had run out at many pumps in the city and there was fighting wherever it was available. In such a situation, this gig worker found a way, after which he delivered the food to the customer on time and his video also went viral on social media.

People saw such a sight for the first time
The incident took place in Chanchalguda area of ​​Hyderabad. Where a food delivery boy invented a new way to deliver food to his valued customer on time and meet the deadline. He rode the horse to deliver the food without any delay and reached below the customer’s house with the hot food. When people saw him they were surprised. This was probably the first time that a food delivery boy had come riding on a horse to deliver food. People made a video of this which is going viral on social media.

I only see a horse
The food delivery boy said – My bike ran out of petrol during peak hour and I was unable to top up the vehicle at the petrol pump. So I chose a horse to avoid customer complaints and to deliver the food on time. Sitting on the horse, I delivered the food to the customer on time. This feat and devotion to duty of the delivery boy has also been appreciated by the company employees.

Tags: Ajab ajab news, Hyderabad News, Local18, Zomato

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