COVID 19 Case Update 475 New Coronavirus Case In India In 24 Hours

475 new cases of corona virus infection have been reported in the country in 24 hours on Monday (January 8). In this way the number of corona infected people has reached 3,919. According to the data released by the Health Ministry at 8 am on Tuesday, six infected people have died in these 24 hours, which include three patients from Karnataka, two from Chhattisgarh and one from Assam.

By December 5 last year, the number of daily cases had come down to double digits, but due to cold and new variants of the virus, the cases have increased. Official sources said that after December 5, 841 new cases were reported on December 31, 2023, which was 0.2 percent of the highest number of cases recorded in May 2021.

92 percent patients of corona virus infection are being treated at home
About 92 percent of the patients undergoing treatment for Covid-19 are getting their treatment while staying at home. In this regard, sources said, ‘Currently available data shows that due to JN.1 variant, there is neither a rapid increase in new cases nor an increase in the number of infected people admitted to hospital. Nor is the death rate increasing.

There were three waves of corona virus infection in India in 2020 and 2021.
India has seen three waves of COVID-19 in 2020 and 2021, with the highest incidence of daily new cases and deaths recorded during the Delta wave in April–June 2021. During the peak of the infection, 4,14,188 new cases were registered on May 7, 2021 and 3,915 infected people died on that day. In almost four years from the beginning of the year 2020 till now, across the country corona virus More than 4.5 crore people have been infected and more than 5.3 lakh people have died due to it.

According to the website of the Health Ministry, the number of people who have recovered from the infection so far has exceeded 4.4 crore and the national rate of recovery from this infection is 98.81 percent. The ministry said that so far 220.67 crore doses have been given under the anti-Covid-19 vaccination campaign in the country.

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