credit card fraud These are easy ways to prevent fraud tips cyber fraud and fishing

Along with technology, the methods of payment are also changing, today payment is done through UPI in many countries around the world. People are taking full advantage of this digital payment. Even today crores of people use credit cards. Whether you want to shop anywhere or pay for a hotel… everything is done through credit card. Whose bill you have to pay later. Many people also have credit cards whose limit is in lakhs. Now as convenient as it is, sometimes it also proves to be equally dangerous. Credit card related frauds come to light every day, today we are telling you ways to avoid it.

How to avoid credit card fraud
If you use a credit card, then first of all you have to keep the PIN given with your credit card safe and do not share it with anyone. Apart from this, give credit card information only on safe and reliable websites and be extra cautious while shopping online. Check your account activities regularly and notify the bank or card company immediately if you notice any unusual or suspicious activity.

Avoid opening every mail
To avoid credit card fraud, keep your computer and smartphone secure, use firewall and antivirus software. Be cautious of intentionally sent emails and links, as these may be attempts at credit card fraud. Along with this, keep the login information of your online accounts with strong and unique passwords. Set up mobile alerts from the bank or card company so that you can be notified on every transaction.

In case of loss of credit card or signs of suspicious activity, get the card blocked by your bank immediately. Check your credit reports at regular intervals so that you can identify stranger transactions. By taking such precautions, you can avoid all frauds and frauds related to credit cards.

read this also – Cyber ​​Fraud: Big alert for common people! Charging your phone in a public place can drain your account.

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