Credit Card Holders Get Cheated Even Without Asking For OTP Due To VPN

Credit Card Scam: In today’s digital era, the work of transactions has also become digital. While on one hand the trend of online transactions is increasing rapidly, on the other hand the cases of cheating with people are also increasing. Therefore, before doing Credit Card or Online Transaction, you should take special care of many things. Because, due to ignoring them, you may have to face heavy losses. There are frequent cases of fraud with people using credit cards. In such a situation, today we are going to tell you one such method, after adopting which your credit card can be safe to a great extent.

Be careful in International Transaction

During International Transaction, you should take special care of many things. When you do an International Transaction, you have to enter the details of the card and money is withdrawn from your card. That is, there is no need for OTP in this. That’s why you should be very careful while doing international transactions.

VPN Connection meets the way

VPN Connection can also be a major reason for the fraud happening to you. Having VPN Connect means that any detail visible in your smartphone can be easily accessed by a hacker or robber. For this, he will not even need to do anything different. As soon as the VPN is connected, the control of the entire device also goes into the hands of the person in front. That is, someone else is the owner of all the information on your device. That’s why this thing should be kept in mind before connecting VPN.

This is how loot happens without sharing OTP

Many times it is seen that scammers steal money from your bank account even without getting OTP from you. Actually, it is all a game of VPN Connection. Anyone can handle your smartphone when VPN is connected. Even without taking permission one can read the message of the smartphone. This is the reason why some people get robbed even without sharing OTP. That’s why every user needs to be very cautious.

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