Creepy pictures drawn by children of lockdown, pictures showed death, loneliness and captivity

Although the corona pandemic brought tales of pain for everyone, a painting competition was held to know what the children went through and what pictures were created in their minds. In this, children drew horrifying pictures of lockdown (Children Drawn Harrowing Pictures On Lockdown). Most of the pictures made by him depicted death, loss, loneliness and people imprisoned in homes. It is surprising that the age of these children is just four to 14 years and imagine what kind of image this epidemic has created in their minds.

the pictures were scary
Dr. Richard Jolly, professor of psychology at Staffordshire University, and co-researchers Dr. Sarah Rose, Dr. Romina Vivaldi and Dr. Claire Barlow asked 68 children to describe what they experienced during the corona. The picture was horrifying.

A child wrote, Corona stole my smile
A six-year-old child drew a picture of a man lying on a hospital bed, which is fitted with ventilator-type machines. Another made a disturbing picture of himself and showed the corona virus next to it. Captioned this: I think the corona virus is happy and has stolen my smile. 35 out of 68 children made such pictures that it seemed that someone had imprisoned them. Only eight children showed furniture and buildings, while seven children showed how people died during the lockdown and how much damage was done.

Captured inside the house
This was unexpected, the researchers said. The children were also thinking like us, but they had a deeper wound in their mind than us, after all, all this came to their mind. We feel that the life that the children lived during the lockdown, the things that they faced, have been put on the canvas. He was imprisoned inside the house. Could not go out and meet friends. Everywhere only one was hearing the story of death and loss. It affected him emotionally. Dr Jolie said it was important to provide children with a means to express themselves through language without understanding things. This competition for kids really touched their sentiments.

Tags: Ajab Gajab news, trending news, Viral news

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