Crocodile skin bag perfume bottles and champagne know what else was found in the wreckage of Titanic

The largest passenger ship of its time, Titanic, set off on its maiden voyage from Southampton to New York on 10 April 1912. But just 4 days later, on 14 April 1912, it collided with an iceberg and sank. 1517 people lost their lives in this accident. After the ship sank, a lot of effort was made to find its wreckage, but the first success was achieved in 1985. When it was discovered that the wreckage of the Titanic ship is present in the Atlantic Ocean, 2600 feet below sea level. Since then, many search teams have recovered many valuable things from the wreckage of Titanic. Today we will tell you about some of those special things.

crocodile skin bag

Among the special things found from the Titanic wreckage is a bag made of crocodile skin. This bag is very special. According to the BBC report, this is a beautiful and small fashionable bag. Tomasina, the director of collections for BRMS Titanic Inc., the company that found these things, says that the owner of this bag was a 63-year-old woman who was in the business of selling hats. This woman’s name was Marion Meanwell, who was a resident of London and was going to America to meet her daughter. Let us tell you, all this information was obtained from a recommendation letter found in this bag, which the London landlord had given to Meanwell.

Perfume vials

Just like the bag made of crocodile skin, the perfume bottles found from the wreckage of the Titanic ship are also very amazing. Even after hundreds of years, the fragrance is still present in them. Reports suggest that these perfume bottles belonged to a perfume salesman named Adolf Saalfeld, who survived the Titanic accident. Let us tell you, about 700 people were saved in this accident, Adolf Saalfeld was one of those 700 lucky people. It is said that Adolf Saalfeld had a total of 90 perfume bottles at the time when he boarded the ship.

Safe bottle of champagne

Explorers have also found a safe bottle of champagne from the wreckage of Titanic. That is, it is completely filled with champagne and it is sealed with a cock. According to reports, when Titanic set out on its first voyage, it had thousands of bottles of champagne. Actually, the ship’s owner wanted the first class passengers to enjoy champagne in addition to beautiful views and great food. This was the reason why thousands of champagne bottles were kept in this ship for the journey.

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