Cruelty With Cow Big hole in Cow stomach people put hands weak hearted dont watch Gay Ke Pet Me Chhed

Many such strange things happen in the world, knowing about which one can be surprised. On the one hand, where cow has been given the status of mother in our country, on the other hand, many people eat beef. Where we worship cow, in many places people play with its body in the name of increasing its age. Today we are going to tell you about one such incident, knowing about which you will be shocked. Most people must have seen videos and pictures of making a big hole in the stomach of cows on social sites. It also has a plastic cover attached to it. But why is this done, do you know the reason for this?
If you do not know, then let us tell you that the videos of many such cows had become increasingly viral on many social sites including YouTube. You would also get to see these on the coming days. But weak hearted people will not be able to gather the courage to watch this video completely. Its videos and pictures are from America and New Zealand, where a big hole (Big Hole Inside Cow Stomach) is made in its body to increase the age of the cow. Through it, it is claimed to check the diseases growing inside the cow’s body properly. Experts related to the dairy industry say that due to this, there has been a significant reduction in the cases of untimely death of cows due to disease. However, its official figure does not exist.

People for Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) runs a campaign against cruelty to animals, but it has explained this in detail on its website. According to him, this big hole made in the cow’s body is called fistula. And the part of the body in which this big hole is made is called Rumen. Because of this, veterinary doctors clean the stomach of the cow very comfortably and check for the diseases that are developing. Not only this, it keeps the cow healthy and gives more milk.

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Cow remains uncomfortable after surgery

Like normal humans, when a big hole is made in the body of a cow, then the cow remains uncomfortable for about one and a half months after this surgery. However, veterinary surgeons always keep an eye on the cow to ensure that it does not cause any harm. After the surgery, a plastic ring is inserted in the cow’s body. That ring is later covered with a lid. In such a situation, whenever a cow is sick, then the doctors put medicine directly in its stomach. Through this, the dirt inside the cow’s stomach is also cleaned, which it eats.

Many organizations in protest
On the one hand, where PETA has explained this process in detail on its website, on the other hand, many other organizations oppose this process with the cow. People associated with these organizations say that it is absolutely wrong to use these animals for their own benefit. The Federal Animal Welfare Act is the only way through which such cruel experiments can be stopped. But this Welfare Act cannot apply to the animals coming for farming in America and cow is considered as an animal used in farming. However, in the eyes of critics, this is cruelty to cows and there have been constant demands to stop it. However, this practice has been going on in Switzerland since 1833.

Tags: Ajab Bhi Ghazab Bhi, Good news, OMG News

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