Cultivation of drumstick sahjan fali will give a profit of one lakh in 10 months know the method

Drumstick Cultivation: Now in India, apart from traditional farming, farmers are also doing different types of farming. Due to which he is earning huge profits. Farmers are now getting attracted towards vegetable crops also. In these, farmers are cultivating more such crops. Which has Ayurvedic benefits.

Drumstick pod is one such crop. Which is also being cultivated by farmers in large quantities. There are many beneficial Ayurvedic properties inside the drumstick pod. Farmers are earning profits worth lakhs from its cultivation. Let us know how we can cultivate it.

How to cultivate drumstick?

Drumstick can be cultivated in any type of soil. Dry sandy or clayey soil is good for this. Hot weather is suitable for this plant. So there is no need to give more water from there. Its cultivation is mostly done in hot areas only. For this the maximum temperature remains sufficient between 25 to 30 degrees.

Drumstick plant is planted in the pit. After planting the tree, the pit has to be filled with rotten cow dung manure. Handing has to be done three months after its plantation. In which 100 grams of phosphate, 100 grams of urea and 50 grams of potash are added according to each pit. Once it is sown, there is no need to sow it for 4 years.

You can earn 1 lakh in 10 months

By cultivating Saajan, farmers can earn a profit of Rs 1 lakh from one acre after 10 months. About 3000 kg pods are obtained from one drumstick tree. If we talk about its prices in the market, they keep changing with time. Sometimes its price is ₹ 80 per kg and sometimes it is above Rs 150 per kg. This pod is very beneficial for health. It contains many multivitamins and anti-accident properties.

Also read: These two fertilizers will work as a panacea for litchi, there will be good increase in size.

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