Cultivation of this special variety of rose will make you rich know the method

Rose Farming Tips: Now many farmers in India are abandoning traditional farming and cultivating different types of crops. Which includes cultivation of fruits and flowers. Among flowers, the interest of farmers has increased significantly towards rose cultivation. Rose is a flower which everyone likes.

It is also called the king of flowers. Farmers are earning good profits from rose cultivation. Roses are used for many types of purposes. One time investment in rose cultivation can earn profits for many years. Let us know which variety of rose to cultivate is a profitable deal.

Cultivate these varieties of roses

Farmers are earning good profits from the cultivation of five improved varieties of roses. These include hybrid tea, small rose, floribunda rose, alba rose, climbing rose. These varieties of roses are proving better for farming. According to agricultural experts, among all these varieties of roses, hybrid tea variety of rose is the best variety. Hybrid tea variety roses have flowers with 40 to 50 petals. Which are very beautiful to look at. Along with this, Alba rose is also considered a good variety. Light pink flowers grow in this plant. It blooms only once a year. This rose starts giving flowers in the beginning of summer season.

These months are good for farming

According to agricultural experts, roses are generally planted during the monsoon months from July to August. After a few months, flowers start appearing in the months of September and October. About Rs 5 to 6 lakh can be earned from rose cultivation in one hectare. Once cultivated, it continues to give profits for years.

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