Cumin Price Down This Year Know Why Jeera Rates Are In Trend

Jeera Rates: This time, cumin, which brings life to vegetables, was much talked about in homes. The important reason for which is that its area has reached a record high in this Rabi season. According to various media reports, there was a huge increase in the prices of cumin last year due to which farmers produced more of it this time. Due to which there was a record increase in its area.

According to reports, farmers of Gujarat and Rajasthan have produced bumper production this time. There has been 160 percent more cumin production in Gujarat and 25 percent more production in Rajasthan. This year, the area under cumin has increased by 38 percent from 9 lakh hectares to 12.50 lakh hectares. According to the data, the production of cumin in 2019-20 was around 9.12 lakh tonnes. Despite the decline in its overall price in the last quarter, the area under cumin continues to increase.

According to experts, the price of cumin had increased recently due to high demand and lack of supply. But now due to bumper production the prices have come down. According to media reports, its price has fallen from Rs 50 thousand per quintal to Rs 30 thousand per quintal.

Cumin can be found cheap

It is expected that now there will be a decline in the prices of cumin. Due to which people will get cumin at a cheaper rate than at present.

What is cumin?

According to Ayurveda, cumin is very beneficial for the body. It is a good anti-oxidant to reduce inflammation in the body and relax the muscles. It also contains good amount of fiber. Minerals like copper, calcium, potassium, manganese, zinc, magnesium and iron are also present. Cumin also contains a lot of Vitamin E, A, C and B complex.

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