Dadi Nani Ki Baatein good moral story women should wear glass bangles as per hindu shastra and science

Grandmother’s care: There are many traditions and beliefs associated with Hindu religion. There are many traditions among these, which are followed even today. Grandmothers always follow these traditions and beliefs and ask others to follow them too. Because grandmothers know about the benefits and importance hidden behind these traditions. Scientific reasons from the scriptures and Hindu traditions are also given.

Wearing bangles is one of the many beliefs. Bangle is considered one of the sixteen adornments of Hindu religion. Bangles not only enhance your makeup but also have many other benefits. Especially married women should not keep their hands idle. It is considered inauspicious to do so. Because glass bangles are considered a special adornment of married women, which has special significance like vermilion and mangalsutra.

This is the reason why if grandmothers see their hands empty, they immediately interrupt and ask them to wear bangles. You may find these words of grandmothers strange or a myth. But its reasons and importance have also been explained in scriptures and science. If you follow the advice given by your grandmothers, you will remain happy and will be saved from inauspicious incidents in future. Let us know why bangles should be worn in hands. What is the classical and scientific reason behind this belief?

what does the scriptures say

Astrologer Anish Vyas explains that when married women wear glass bangles, it attracts positive energy. According to belief, wearing of bangles by a married woman is considered a sign of marriage. The importance of bangles of different colors has also been explained in astrology. Therefore wearing bangles is beneficial in many ways.

what does science say

Wearing glass bangles causes constant friction. This increases the blood circulation level. Also, the positive energy emanating from the body goes back into the body due to the ring shape of the bangles. When we ring a bell, echo sound is heard. Which activates the body healing center. This removes negativity from our mind.

Also read: Dadi-Nani Ki Baatein: One should not sleep with feet towards the south, why do grandmothers say

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