Daily Horoscope Daily Horoscope 15 January 2024 Monday Horoscope

Daily Horoscope 15 January 2024: According to astrology, 15 January 2024, Monday, is an important day. Today there will be Panchami Tithi the whole day. Shatabhisha Nakshatra will again remain Purvabhadrapada Nakshatra till 08:07 this morning. Today, there will be support from Vashi Yoga, Anandadi Yoga, Sunafa Yoga, Varian Yoga formed by the planets. If your zodiac sign is Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius, then you will get the benefit of Shash Yoga, whereas the poison of Moon and Saturn will remain there. Moon will be in Aquarius.

Note the auspicious time for auspicious work today. There are two times today. There will be auspicious Choghadiya from 10.15 to 11:15 in the morning and Labh-Amrit’s Choghadiya from 04:00 to 06:00 in the afternoon. There will be Rahukaal from 07:30 to 09:00 in the morning. What does Monday bring for other zodiac signs? Let us know today’s horoscope (Rashifal in Hindi)-

Moon will be in the 11th house due to which try to increase income. With the formation of Varian Yoga, the plans made regarding the job will remain in progress, due to which you will be able to complete the work on time and go home. There will be improvement in many areas of business which will increase the happiness on your face. You will have no place to live. You may get the responsibility of a new project in the office. There is a possibility of meeting an old colleague.

Employed people will learn some new things from their younger ones, which will benefit you in future. You can also share those things with some people. Also, with their help, any important work of yours will be completed. The memory of the new generation will remain sharp, as a result their performance will be very good and they will benefit. The blessings of your parents will remain upon you. You will respect your spouse’s feelings. Your material comforts will increase.

Moon will be in the tenth house which will make you angry. The businessman will get full support of luck. New sources of income will emerge. Office work will be completed in a better way than everyday, you will not even realize how much time will pass while working. Beginning of the week: The beginning of the day may be a bit busy for working people, so remain energetic. Keep trying to keep up.

Good income will help in increasing the pace of work in your business. Your spouse will praise you a lot. He can also tell you anything on his mind. There will be respect for each other between both of you. The day will be more beneficial for students than other days. Besides, his attention will also remain focused on studies. Parents’ advice can be beneficial for you.

Moon will remain in the ninth house, which will increase recognition at the social level. Businessmen will fulfill their responsibilities towards business and employees very well. You may plan to buy some new equipment. The businessman will have to take decisions while remaining mentally active, avoid taking any decision in haste. At the beginning of the week, all circumstances at work are likely to be in your favor. , You will be able to work with honesty and dedication.

There are possibilities of financial gain for businessmen. New avenues of career advancement will open. You can think of starting some new work and will help your spouse in some work. Relationships will improve. Any old problem will get immediate solution. There will be happiness in married life. Students, artists and busy people will see many new avenues of progress opening up.

Moon will remain in the eighth house due to which unresolved matters will get entangled. In business you should control your expenses. Due to formation of Visha Dosha, you may spend more money on some personal work or there may be obstruction in getting money from somewhere. There will be ups and downs in the financial condition of the businessman. There may be more workload in the office, but do not reduce your efforts, you will definitely get success in the end. The opinion of an experienced person will prove better for you.

In the workplace, you will have to avoid laziness and remain engaged in completing the work, continue your efforts, soon you will get promotion. Students, players and artists should be patient and achieve their goals. For this you will have to keep practicing, which will not be easy today. You have to maintain good relations with your parents in the family and take care of their needs. You may be very emotional about your relationship with your spouse.

Leo –
Moon will remain in the seventh house, which will bring sweetness in the relationship with the spouse. Businessman’s confidence will increase. Businessmen need to pay attention to business plans, only then progress in business is possible. Employed people are likely to get some good news. Your office work may get delayed due to some household work, due to which you will be a little worried. You need to maintain coordination in your work. You will get success in your career.

You will go to a family function. Some people will be happy to see you there while some people will shy away from talking to you. There are chances that your married life will be happy and peaceful. People who are single can get good offers. You may meet some special dignitaries in social life. The day is going to be good for women. Students, players and artists will be able to continue their work with full dedication. You will get success only on the basis of hard work.

Moon will remain in the sixth house, which will provide relief from known and unknown enemies. Businessmen will get good opportunities for financial gain. You will feel fresh the whole day. The day will be a bit difficult for official office work. Government work will be completed without any interruption. Whatever steps you take to make a good impression on everyone at work, it will stick. Try to take new initiatives with your business partner, this is very important for the progress of business.

You will benefit greatly from traveling for some office work. There will be mutual harmony with all the members in the family. You will also be inclined towards spirituality. Whatever work you try to do, you will definitely get success in that work. Students need to pay more attention to studies.

Moon will be in the fifth house due to which students’ studies will be good. You will meet an important person in business. This meeting will be beneficial for you. With the formation of Varian Yoga, the businessman is expected to get a sure means of maintaining his income. At the workplace, you will continue to get help from other people in your work. Special day for people working as professors. This is going to last. The family atmosphere will also be good. Will spend some happy moments with them. Love relationships will become stronger.

You can plan to visit a pilgrimage site with friends. In married life, you will be successful in bringing your spouse closer to your heart by giving him a special gift. Disputes with love partner will be resolved. Students, players and artists will be able to take interest in moving towards their goals. Taking this interest on time is an important element for your happy future.

Moon will remain in the fourth house due to which there may be problems in renovating the house. Due to becoming toxic, you will have to control your anger in the office, because there is a possibility of some discord with colleagues in the office. Lack of communication with working boss. Don’t let this happen, otherwise your job may be in danger due to misunderstanding with the boss. People doing business in partnership will have to maintain transparency with their partners, otherwise there is a possibility of disputes with them.

Due to excessive brainstorming and haste, the businessman may lose the planned profit, hence avoid overthinking. The day will be full of entertainment for the new generation, after a long time they may get a chance to spend time with family and friends. Along with the health of the elders in the family, take care of their needs as well, try to spend as much time as possible with them. Consuming too much chilli-spicy food can cause burning sensation in the chest and stomach, if possible, avoid fried food.

Moon will be in the third house, which will increase courage. Due to the formation of Budhaditya and Parakram Yoga, you may feel sad due to your work not getting importance in the office, but do not be disappointed, your talent will soon be appreciated. Some negative things in business. You may have to face circumstances, if the circumstances are adverse then do not panic, be patient, after some time everything will be fine. “He who has patience can do whatever he wants.

“Students are likely to get opportunities to go abroad for higher education. Talking about lovers, the day is good for them, their love life will progress a little. You can start the day with religious rituals and in the evening all the family members You can perform evening aarti with the members. Change your daily routine with the change in weather, stay away from cough, cold etc. as there is a risk of infection.

Moon will be in the second house due to which you will be able to do good work. Try to maintain good relations with your colleagues at the workplace, only your colleagues will support you in completing the official work. Employed people will be successful in completing government work, due to which they will be praised everywhere. With the formation of Budhaditya and Parakram Yoga, there will be good profits in business. The credibility of the businessman will increase in the market, along with the increase in credibility there will also be progress in business.

There will be turmoil in the minds of the new generation to do something new, due to which they will not be interested in work. Talk of marriage of an unmarried person may gain momentum. Due to which opportunities can be created for organizing auspicious events at home. One should avoid eating and drinking cold things.

Moon will remain in your zodiac sign, which will lead to intellectual development. While working at the workplace, you will get support from your superiors, which will speed up your work. Businessmen will have to avoid being negligent towards their work. Also keep yourself away from external disputes. Overconfidence is not good for people associated with business at this time. Doing this may cause harm to you.

With the formation of Budhaditya and Parakram Yoga, luck will favor ordinary and competitive students. You will definitely get success in whatever work you do. If you want to do any construction related to the house, then take advice from family members. It would be better if you start work later. Your body’s immunity is good, which will make you feel energetic.

Moon will be in the 12th house due to which expenses will increase. be careful. In case of dispute in the office, it would be better to remain silent, if you speak then the matter may get worse. Due to the formation of toxicity, the businessman will have to pay special attention to his words while talking to the customer. Otherwise you may lose contact with them. “The weight of words depends on the feelings of the speaker. One word becomes a mantra, one word is called abuse, speech itself reveals the personality of a person.

If students have to use laptop for a long time, then in such a situation, they have to take special care of their eyes. If someone you know is ill then go to meet them, if you are out then keep checking on their well-being through phone only. If you are going on a trip, be careful against infection. Be cautious because such a possibility is visible.

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