Death penalty was to be given, the person ordered sandwich-burger, ate to his heart’s content and then…

If someone is to be hanged after a few minutes, imagine what would be going on in his mind. Must be missing some loved ones; Maybe praying to God. Many times there are reports that the convict did not eat anything before hanging. Didn’t drink anything. Kept taking names of his people. But now a surprising news has come to light. A man ordered a sandwich-burger before his death sentence. He was given a hearty meal and then he was killed by injection.

According to the report of Metro, in the American state of Georgia, this person named Willie James Pye was given death sentence by injection of poison. In 1993, this person had murdered a woman named Alicia Lynn Yarborough. He was found guilty of kidnapping, armed robbery, rape and theft. After this, death sentence was given by giving lethal injection at 11.03 pm on Wednesday.

Didn’t tell my last wish
In the information given by the Georgia Justice Department, it was said that when Pai was asked about her last wish, she refused to tell anything. But a few minutes before his death he ate a lot of food. Ordered two chicken sandwiches, two cheeseburgers, French fries, two bags of plain potato chips and two lemon-lime sodas and ate it all. Perhaps his hunger was increasing due to fear.

That’s why they murdered
Pai’s lawyers tried till the end to stop his sentence. Said that he should not be given death penalty because he is intellectually disabled. His IQ is 68. He belonged to a very poor family, poverty and neglect led him to the path of violence. But the court did not listen to his arguments. According to court records, Pai, along with Chester Adams and Anthony Freeman, robbed, kidnapped, raped and murdered Miss Yarborough 30 years ago. At that time she was living with her boyfriend. But before that she was in a relationship with Pai. Pai was very angry at ending the relationship.

Tags: amazing news, Bizarre news, OMG News, Shocking news

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