Delhi Mungeshpur recorded a temperature of 52.3 degrees Celsius, know what will be the impact on the human body from this

The ever increasing heat is breaking old records every day and the temperature is reaching such a level every day that it is shocking everyone. On Wednesday (29 May), the temperature in Delhi’s Mangeshpur was recorded at 52.3 degrees Celsius. The average temperature at that time was 45.8 degrees. Now the question arises that what effect will such a high temperature have on the human body? What problems can it cause? What is the way to avoid the rising temperature?

The doctor gave this information

Dr. DK Gupta, MD of Felix Hospital, said that a temperature of more than 52 degrees can prove to be extremely dangerous for humans. At present, there is a heat wave in North India. It is also having many side effects. Due to the heat wave, cases of heat exhaustion and heat cramps are increasing. At the same time, the risk of heat stroke, which is the most common cause of heat stroke, has increased manifold.

These people need to take special care

Dr. DK Gupta said that due to the constantly increasing temperature and heat wave, newborns, small children and mothers need special care. At the same time, pregnant women and senior citizens should take extra care. Apart from these, people who have diseases related to hypertension, diabetes, asthma, COPD or kidney etc. should also be careful. Such people may face increased problems.

What is the problem with high temperature?

He said that due to high temperature, the body’s thermoregulatory mechanism becomes imbalanced and its regulation gets disturbed. In such a situation, the body is unable to maintain the temperature, due to which high grade fever i.e. fever of 104 to 107 degrees Fahrenheit can occur. In such a situation, seizures can increase. Disorientation can occur. A person can go into coma or confusion and even death can occur.

How to protect yourself from rising temperatures?

According to Dr. DK Gupta, it is very important to avoid heat stroke at this time. Take special care of your health. Drink lots of water. Consume lots of liquids. Also, do not go out unless it is necessary, because there is a health emergency going on at this time. The temperature outside is not at all suitable for our body. If you have to go out for some important work, then try to go out before 10 am and after 6 pm. If you have to go out in the afternoon, then definitely wear umbrella, goggles, cap-hat etc. and go after applying sunscreen. Do not try to finish all the work at once. Do it only after taking a break, because strong sunlight can harm you.

Also read: When small children get heatstroke, try these home remedies to get rid of it

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