Delicious desi jaggery is made in this city, the taste is such that it will blow your mind, what is that. – News18 Hindi

Vipul Aggarwal/Shri Ganganagar. Jaggery is made at different places in the country and people eat it with great enthusiasm and also use it for many other purposes. Jaggery is considered a healthy alternative to sugar and it is prepared from sugarcane juice. Due to being naturally sweet, various types of nutrients are found in jaggery. Good is an excellent source of iron, magnesium and potassium which is beneficial in keeping blood, bones and muscles healthy. But for this it is very important for the jaggery to be unadulterated. Farmers of 50 GB villages of Anupgarh city of Sriganganagar are cultivating sugarcane in their fields and extracting juice from it and preparing desi jaggery, which is proving to be very beneficial for food as well as health.

Farmer Jarnail Singh said that it takes a lot of hard work to do this work. He said that when a person becomes unemployed from all sides then he needs to do something new. He said that farmers work hard throughout the year to harvest crops, but they do not get the right price for their hard work and market traders charge it arbitrarily. Which causes a lot of loss. When he did not get the right price for his crop, he started preparing local jaggery from sugarcane juice by setting up a furnace in his own field. He said that he has been doing this work for the last 3 years. Sugarcane is being cultivated in about 40 bighas of land in almost every village of Ramsinghpur. He said that sugarcane is cultivated in the beginning of April which is ready in the months of January and February.

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This is how desi jaggery is prepared
Jarnail Singh told that to make this desi jaggery, firstly the sugarcane is cut from the fields and after that with the help of a machine, its juice is extracted and roasted on a kiln. He said that about 50 liters of sugarcane juice is boiled. With the help of Kajman herb, dirt is separated from boiling sugarcane juice. The remaining pure juice is boiled for one and a half hours, after which it is poured into a fixed mold and shaken for some time. When the juice becomes thick, it is converted into jaggery. He told that the price of jaggery used in tea and milk is ₹ 130 per kg and the price of desi jaggery with dry fruits is ₹ 180 per kg. Indian people living in UK and Canada also buy jaggery from here and take it abroad. He said that the main reason for selling jaggery by setting up kiosks is that they do not get the right price for it in the market, due to which instead of selling jaggery in the market at the rate of ₹ 70 per kg, they sell it themselves at the rate of ₹ 130 per kg.

Tags: food, food 18, Local18, Rajasthan news, Sri ganganagar news

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