Sugar Ke Lakshan : Many types of problems can occur when sugar level increases in the body. There is also a risk of dermopathy due to this Is. This is a type of skin disease occurring in diabetes. In this disease, small, round wounds are seen in many parts of the body. These are seen on parts like the calves, i.e. the upper parts of the legs and the face. If these problems are ignored for a long time, the problem may increase. Therefore one should avoid taking it lightly. Know here what symptoms appear on the skin when blood sugar increases…
1. Small wounds on the upper parts of the legs
When the sugar level increases, small black and brown wounds start forming on the skin of the upper part of the feet. If there is such a problem then one should be alert immediately, because these are signs of dermopathy. Ignoring it for a long time can cause problems.
2. Small grains
If small rashes appear on the skin without any reason, then these can be signs of high blood sugar. In such a situation, one should immediately seek help from health experts. So that this problem can be rectified as soon as possible.
3. open wound
When the sugar level increases in the body, wounds and sores start appearing on the skin. These wounds do not heal quickly. A doctor’s help should be taken for this, because these can be signs of diabetes.
4. Purple, red marks
If purple, red, brown or yellow marks are visible on the skin, then one should avoid ignoring it. These signs can be serious. Can also be a sign of high blood sugar level.
5. Fungal Infection
If you are facing the problem of fungal infection again and again, then it can be a sign of increasing blood sugar level. Due to this, itching may occur on the skin. If this happens for a long time, do not ignore it.
Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, you must consult the concerned expert.
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