Did refrigerator and electricity come first in the world or ice cream, when did this era begin?

Today the world has come a long way. If you compare the situation of last one decade ago and today, then we have advanced a lot in terms of technology. But have you ever wondered what came first in this world like fridge, electricity and ice cream? Today we will tell you what came first in the world and when it started. 

World of Technology

Today’s world is full of technologies. It’s a full world. The biggest example of this is the phone. Whereas just 10 years ago only 2 out of 5 people had a phone, today every person has a smart phone. We are progressing very fast in terms of technology. But have you ever wondered what came first in the form of fridge, electricity and ice cream? Most people will answer that how will ice cream freeze without a freezer and how will a refrigerator work without light. But you will be surprised to know that the history of ice cream is decades old. There was no freeze and light at that time.

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 Ice Cream

Some of the world’s oldest bottles One of the wonderful and delicious things is ice cream. Although people eat it mostly in summer, but some lovers like it in winter also. You must have eaten ice cream in many flavours, many flavors including chocolate, vanilla, strawberry, butterscotch etc. But have you ever thought while eating it, what is its history and who would have made it for the first time. 

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Where was ice cream made for the first time

There are various beliefs related to the history of ice cream. First it says that ice cream was invented in China around 3000 BC. But another theory says that an Italian businessman named Marco Polo introduced the ice cream dish in Italy for the first time. However, when it comes to the mention of ice cream, it is first mentioned in the Achaemenid Empire of Iran in 500 BC. According to this, in 400 BC, Persians started making different types of ice cream from ice.

While around 200 BC, the people of China used milk and rice to make ice cream. Here people used to boil milk and rice together, keep it in ice and then eat it. Another story is found that around 37 to 68 AD, the King of Rome used to eat live snow from the Neuro mountains by mixing it with fruit juice.

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