diet tips gas releif powder side effects can increases bp kidney diseases

Gas Relief Powder Side Effects: To get rid of problems like acidity and indigestion, soda or gas relief powder is used. However, some people also use it as an additive in food. Fruit salt is used to format the batter of dishes like idli, dosa, dhokla and cake. Due to this, fermentation happens quickly and the batter becomes puffy. Due to which the dish becomes soft and tasty. However, if gas relief powder is used continuously in such foods then it can also cause harm. According to experts, it is right to use it when needed but if used continuously then it can be harmful for health.

What is gas relief powder?

It is an antacid, which provides relief from problems like gas, acidity and indigestion. It is a mixture of sodium bicarbonate, sodium carbonate and citric acid, which when dissolved in water produces Co2 gas. After going inside the stomach, this gas neutralizes the acid in the stomach and provides relief from problems.

Side effects of continuous use of fruit salt

1. Can increase blood pressure

High blood pressure patients are advised to avoid taking gas relief powder. Its continuous use can also increase blood pressure. Its long term effects can also be seen. Actually, high amount of sodium bicarbonate in gas relief powder can increase BP.

2. Heart disease

Excessive consumption of antacids can increase heart problems. Many heart diseases can arise due to this. Sodium carbonate and sodium bicarbonate found in antacids increase blood pressure, which can increase the risk of heart attack.

3. Kidneys may be affected

This fruit salt also has a direct effect on the kidneys. If consumed continuously, it can also cause kidney failure. Therefore, it is advised to consume antacids only in limited quantity, so that it does not have much effect on health.

4. Allergic reaction

Be careful if you use Eno continuously, because it can also cause allergic reactions, because antacids trigger allergic reactions in the body. It also has a negative effect on the immune system. Being an antacid, its excessive consumption can cause allergies and infections in the body. Its use in foods also increases the risk of food allergies and food reactions.

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, you must consult the concerned expert.

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