difficult to clean dirt accumulated on the gas then use these trick to clean it in 5 minutes

Everyone likes to go to the kitchen and cook food, but it is very difficult to clean the gas after cooking. Many times the children of the house cook something and go out, but are not able to clean the gas. Not only this, the women of the house also face a lot of problems in cleaning the gas.

If you are also very worried about cleaning the gas, then this news is for you. Now you do not need to worry. Because by following these tips you can easily clean your kitchen gas. Let’s know about those tips.

Methods for cleaning gas

The most important thing before cleaning the gas is to turn off the gas properly and wait for the gas to cool down. As soon as the gas cools down, mix two teaspoons of white vinegar and two teaspoons of baking soda in a small bowl. Mix both of them and when it starts to swell, put this paste on the gas.

Keep in mind that you have to put this paste on the place where there is a lot of dirt. Now spread this paste on the dirty area with the help of a sponge. After this, wait for 10 minutes, after 10 minutes take hot water and put it on the gas.

Now with the help of a sponge or a clean cloth, rub the dirty area and try to clean it. You can also use an old toothbrush to clean this dirt. Now take a clean cloth and clean the gas, you will see for yourself that your gas has started shining now.

use liquid soap

Apart from this, you can also use detergent and liquid soap. For this, you have to apply liquid soap on the dirty area. Leave it for some time, then try to clean it with the help of a toothbrush or sponge. When it starts getting clean, then add lukewarm water and wipe it with a clean cloth.

You can also use baking soda and lemon to clean the gas. Both of these will help a lot in cleaning the dirt. To clean the gas, you have to put some baking soda on the dirty area, then rub the area with a slice of lemon for a while, then leave it for 5 minutes.

After 5 minutes are over, pour lukewarm water and clean the gas thoroughly with a cloth. This will make your gas look clean. You can easily make your gas clean and shiny by adopting all these tips.

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