
Disease X : The havoc of monkeypox and Marburg virus was not over yet, now the threat of another disease is looming. The name of this disease is Disease X, which is spreading rapidly in Africa. Till now, more than 140 patients have died due to this disease. The World Health Organization (WHO) had alerted about this disease 7 months ago. There is very little information available about this disease, due to which many people are not aware of it. In such a situation, let us know how dangerous this disease is…

How dangerous is Disease X?

Due to lack of much information about Disease X, no specific name has been given to it. It is believed that this could be due to some kind of virus. This disease came into discussion for the first time in the year 2018. But then only in some areas people were showing flu-like symptoms (Disease Which is increasing the concern.

Who is more at risk of disease

Most cases of Disease X have been found in the Democratic Republic of Congo in Central Africa. Most of the victims of this disease have been children. The African Center for Disease Control and Prevention says that out of 386 cases reported so far, about 200 patients are children. Whose age is less than 5 years. It is not yet clear what is the reason for the spread of this disease. It is believed that its transmission occurs from one to another. It is spreading through breath. To stop this, some medicines have been sent to Africa by WHO, but there is a fear that this disease may wreak havoc.

What are the symptoms of disease

fever ana

severe headache

having trouble breathing

How to avoid disease

1. Do not go to infected areas.

2. If flu-like symptoms appear, seek treatment from a doctor.

3. Do not eat food without washing hands.

4. Do not be careless in eating habits

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, you must consult the concerned expert.

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