
Disease This disease needs to be taken seriously. Although no one can predict when it will make people its victims, preparations should be made in advance so that one can protect oneself from it. The memories of the COVID-19 pandemic have not gone away from our minds even today, while now the discussion about Disease X has started. It is being said that this is a mysterious and fatal disease. Due to which various kinds of things are coming to light. But the question arises what is Disease X? Why is it being compared to Covid-19? Know everything about this disease.

How dangerous is Disease X?

The name Disease This word has been used to describe an imaginary disease. It is being speculated that this disease may take the form of a dangerous epidemic in the future. This is not a separate disease, but the infection caused by it will spread very fast among people. According to the World Economic Forum’s annual meeting January 15-19, 2024, ‘Disease

At present nothing much is known about this disease but one patient has been found in Congo. The patient found in Congo had high fever and was also suffering from internal bleeding. He got tested for Ebola but it came back negative. Now questions are being raised whether this is the first patient of Disease X.

A new epidemic which is 7 times more dangerous than Covid can knock. Experts have compared it with the dangerous Spanish flu of 1918-1920. This was not an ordinary news but a fear which the whole world had faced 2-3 years ago. The news was that in the year 2020, the way Covid started as a cold and cough and later it took the form of an epidemic. Now another epidemic is going to come again. In such a situation, people will hardly have the courage to face another epidemic again. 70 lakh people lost their lives in this epidemic. There are many countries including India where this disease still exists but every effort is being made to control it.

Dealing with the pandemic is a challenge in itself

‘World Health Organization’ has named it Disease X. Medical experts of WHO issued a warning about this epidemic and said that if this disease comes, there will be 20 times more deaths. Due to which it is feared that about 5 crore people will die. Dame Kate Bingham, who chairs Britain’s vaccine taskforce, said that this epidemic could kill at least 50 million people. This is a matter of concern in itself. To deal with this we will have to find some special solution.

Scientists are gathering information about this disease

This epidemic is so dangerous that if even a single virus is left on Earth, it starts multiplying. This happens because these viruses mutate very fast. He further says that in the year 1918-19, there was an epidemic called Spanish Fever, that too due to the virus present in it. And because of that, 5 crore people all over the world had to lose their lives. Scientists are gathering more information on how to control this epidemic.

Vaccine for Disease X?

British scientists want to keep their preparations complete before the arrival of this Disease X. Because of which he has started making the vaccine. Besides this, he is also studying 25 types of viruses. Which also includes viruses found in animals. Which can spread to humans also. Because due to climate change, there are many viruses which spread from animals to humans.

What is mutation?

If you understand mutation in simple language, it is called changes in the genetic material inside any organism. When a virus passes from one person to another, it makes millions of copies of itself. Every copy is different from the other copy. Due to which a new strain emerges after some time. That’s why you must have often seen that viruses always keep changing their different forms.

read this also: If you work even when you are sick, then stop for a while, otherwise the risk of many serious diseases may increase.

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