Diwali 2024 How to Treat Firecrackers burn What are First Aid Crackers accident

how To Treat Firecracker Burn: Despite all the awareness campaigns, the number of accidents caused by firecrackers is increasing year after year. The victims of the accident include not only children but also unknown passers-by and elderly people. Apart from this, according to health experts, inhaling the smoke emanating from firecrackers worsens pre-existing diseases like asthma, bronchitis and pneumonia.

A small carelessness can take life

From children to elders, everyone bursts crackers on Diwali. From knives to bombs, bursting them on Diwali is a matter of great excitement for children. But during this time one needs to be very careful. A small accident that happens while bursting crackers during Diwali can be fatal.

Eyes are most at risk from firecrackers

Let us tell you that small firecrackers can cause irritation on your skin and eyelashes. The same rockets and heavy firecrackers can cause serious damage to the front part of the eye i.e. the cornea. If the firecrackers reach the retina, eyesight can also be lost.

In case of eye injury, take these measures immediately

Injuries caused by firecrackers are increasing mainly due to carelessness and ignorance. According to eye specialist, eyes are weak and can easily get injured by firecrackers. If there is any irritation in the eyes, cover them with a clean cotton pad and go to the hospital immediately. If any small particle gets into the eye, wash the eye with clean water and consult an ophthalmologist.

Keep these things in mind while burning firecrackers

  • Due to careless burning of firecrackers, hands, face and eyes are most affected.
  • To avoid these risks, it is very important to follow safety measures such as using quality crackers while bursting crackers and maintaining adequate distance from the fireworks site.
  • In case of burn injury, cold water should be immediately poured on the wound and antiseptic cream should also be used on the burnt area.
  • If you are slightly burnt then apply the juice of basil leaves on that area. This will reduce the burning sensation and there will be no burn marks. If the wound is severe then avoid using it excessively.
  • If someone is burnt by a firecracker then apply coconut oil. Coconut oil has a cooling effect which will provide relief from the burning sensation. Even after healing, applying coconut oil will not leave any marks.
  • Raw potato juice is also applied on burns. It is very cold, this will calm the burning sensation and you will get a lot of relief.

apply cold water or ice

If there is a minor burning sensation while burning crackers, then immediately pour cold water on the affected area or keep your hand under cold water. You can also apply cold compress to that area, doing this reduces the risk of wounds, swelling and pain. Apart from this, children should avoid using Hui on the burnt area because Hui may stick to that area, which increases the pain and burning sensation.

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, you must consult the concerned expert.

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