Do not cook these 5 foods in an iron pan even by mistake, otherwise you will have to pay for it.

Iron Kadhai: Food cooked in iron pan tastes amazing. The food cooked in it is considered delicious as well as beneficial, but there are some things which, if cooked and eaten in an iron pan, can cause problems. From elders in the house to health experts, everyone advises cooking food in Iron Kadhai only. It is believed that this has amazing benefits for health. However, cooking some things can be harmful. Let us know about such things…

Do not cook 5 things in iron pan

1. Tomato
One should never cook anything containing tomato in an iron pan. Actually, tomatoes contain a lot of tartaric acid, which can react with the iron pan. This can cause metallic taste in the food, which can be dangerous.

2. Spinach
Anything made from spinach should not be cooked in an iron pan. Oxalic acid is found in spinach, which reacts rapidly with iron. This can spoil the natural color of spinach, which can cause harm to health.

Whenever you cook food in an iron pan, do not use lemon even by mistake. Many times people add lemon juice while cooking anything. Which has a bad effect on the digestive system. Actually, acetic acid is found in lemon, which reacts with iron and can spoil not only the taste of food but also the health.

4. Beetroot
Beetroot dishes should also not be cooked in an iron pan. This is because beetroot is a good source of iron, which can react more with iron. This not only spoils the color and taste of the food, it can also harm health.

5. Eggs

Eggs or anything made from eggs should not be cooked in an iron pan. Actually, sulfur is found in eggs, which starts reacting with iron. Due to this its color turns brown and taste deteriorates. Due to this, stomach problems may also occur.

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, you must consult the concerned expert.

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