Do not ignore the pain in the upper abdomen, the symptom of this serious disease may be

Our food and lifestyle have the most impact on our health. Bad lifestyle gives many types of diseases in the body a chance to flourish. Which has a profound effect on your health. Food and drink affect liver, stomach, intestine and kidney. Due to wrong eating, excess fat starts accumulating in the liver. Which causes the problem of fatty liver. When fatty acids and triglycerides increase in liver cells, the liver becomes fatty.

Diet disturbances causes a problem of fatty liver

& nbsp; Include some important things in the diet to fix fatty liver. Fatty liver can be detected through test. Apart from this, it can also be identified with many symptoms. If fat is accumulating around your stomach. Acne or skin problems are occurring. The color of the eyes or skin is turning yellow. Feeling too much fatigue or weakness or black spots on the skin.

Fatty liver is of many types

So it can be a sign of liver problems. These symptoms are seen when there is fatty liver. Fatty liver has different grades. In the beginning, this problem can be overcome by treating fatty liver. This tea proves very effective in fatty liver. Drinking this tea for a month will improve the health of the liver rapidly.

How to fix fatty liver?

Tea made from coriander and cardamom acts as a tonic for liver. To make this tea, grind 1 handful of coriander leaves and 3 cardamom. Now heat about 2 cups of water in a pan. Add ground cardamom and coriander leaves to it. Boil the water until it remains half. When 1 cup remains, filter it and drink it. Drinking this tea on an empty stomach in the morning or before going to bed at night will show good results.

Benefits of drinking coriander cardamom tea

Drinking tea made from coriander leaf will benefit the body. Coriander enhances the secretion of digestive enzymes. This improves digestion. Coriander contains plenty of antioxidants. Which makes the liver healthy. The juice found in coriander leaf works to detox the liver. Coriander contains plenty of fiber, which increases immunity. Coriander water also helps in controlling blood sugar. Vitamins and minerals found in coriander help in repairing the liver. Which helps in curing fatty liver.

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Detoxifying agents are found in cardamom. Those who detox the body and remove the dirt. Eating cardamom improves digestion and the liver is clean. The nutrients found in cardamom increase the secretion of liver enzymes. Which reduces the stress of the liver.

Disclaimer: Here information provided here is based only on beliefs and information. It is necessary to mention here that & nbsp; & nbsp; No recognition, does not confirm information. Before implementing any information or recognition, consult the concerned expert.

Read also: & nbsp; ‘I don’t have to live now …’ Deepika Padukone narrated the story of her depression

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