Do strawberry farming in winter, investment will be less and profit will be more

Strawberry is as beautiful to look at as it is equally delicious to eat. Its taste is slightly sour and sweet. The demand of strawberry remains in the market throughout the year, that is why the farmers who cultivate it are always profitable. In India, this fruit is mostly cultivated in the Rabi season because this crop grows well in cold weather only. This crop is mostly grown in Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Jammu-Kashmir and some areas of Maharashtra. But now by using technology many farmers are growing it in every corner of India. If you also want to cultivate strawberry and want to earn big profit from it, then read this article carefully.

How farmers are cultivating it in other states

What is not happening nowadays with the use of technology. It is also being used extensively in agriculture. Even in states like Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh, farmers are now cultivating strawberries grown in cold regions. Actually, these farmers use polyhouse to cultivate strawberries. For cultivation in polyhouse, first the soil has to be finely ground and then one and a half meter wide and 3 meter long beds are made and strawberry plants are planted in these.

One acre. How much cultivation can be done

Farmers cultivating strawberries should first identify the right soil. If you want to cultivate strawberry, then the soil of your land should be sandy loam. On the other hand, if you can plant about 22000 strawberry plants in 1 acre. However, to irrigate these plants, you have to resort to drip irrigation and within 40 to 50 days the plants start bearing fruits.

Because of this, this fruit remains in demand.

There are two reasons why strawberries remain in demand throughout the year. One, it is good to see and eat and secondly, this fruit has many such properties which keep you healthy. Actually, calcium, magnesium, folic acid, phosphorus and potassium are found in strawberries along with vitamin C, vitamin A and vitamin K. It can be used to get rid of pimples and it is also beneficial for eyesight and teeth.

Also read: In this state, the price of tomatoes has decreased by Re 1 per kg, farmers have flown them in the river and fed them to animals

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