Do You Eat Breakfast By 8 Am And Dinner By 8 Pm We Have Good News For Your Heart

It has been proven in many researches that the time we eat breakfast or dinner has a direct impact on the health of our heart. Not only this, our eating time also affects our sleeping cycle. If you are one of those people who eat breakfast and dinner in the morning and before 8 pm. So we have good news for you. Those who don’t do this. There is nothing to worry about for them. But if you do this then it has a direct impact on your health.

What does research say?

‘French Research Institute’ ‘National Research Institute for Agriculture’ Food and Environment (NRAE) has revealed in its recent research that the risk of heart disease increases in those who take their first meal after 9 in the morning. The risk of heart disease increases by 6 percent for every hour of delay. In this special research, data from the year 2009 to 2022 has been included. Samples of more than 100,000 persons have been included in this. Research also found that people who had dinner late at night or breakfast late in the morning increased the risk of heart disease. Whereas fasting for a long time during the night reduced the risk of cerebrovascular diseases like stroke. goes.

There should be a gap between dinner and breakfast

Eating after 9 pm, especially in women, has been shown to increase the risk of cerebrovascular disease, especially stroke, by 28 percent compared to eating before 8 pm. Meal timing can play an important role in reducing heart disease. It has been found in many researches that if you eat dinner early, then there is a considerable gap between breakfast and dinner. It reduces the risk of heart disease to a great extent. What time you eat affects your heart to a great extent.

read this also: Silent Killer: Stroke is no longer making the elderly but the young its victims, AIIMS released data

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