Do you have a coin in your pocket Find out where that coin was made in these ways

In today’s time, it is most important to have money in the pocket to live a good life. The basic need of any person is food, clothing and shelter. But to get all the basic things, it is most important to have money. The form of currency is different in all the countries of the world. Just like Rupee is used in India, Dollar is used in America. Similarly, the currency is different in different countries. But one common thing in all is that it is necessary to earn currency to buy anything. Today we will tell you about coins in Indian currency.


To fulfill all the needs of life, it is most important to have money. Without money, it is difficult to fulfill the basic needs of life. The Indian currency is Rupee. There is also a use of coins and notes in Rupee in India. Some small rupee coins are easily available in the market. But do you know how a coin is made and where it is made and how to identify it?

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Coin Recognition

Let us tell you that all Indian coins are made in the mint. Actually, the mint is a government factory where coins are minted on the orders of the government and as per the demand of the market. There are a total of 4 mints in the whole of India, which are located in Noida, Mumbai, Hyderabad and Kolkata. The coins made in each mint have their own identity. You can easily tell in which mint of India that coin is made by looking at a special mark made on these coins.

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Which coin was made in which city?

Let us tell you that there is a special mark below the year written on every coin, by looking at which you can find out the city in which that coin was made. Actually, the coin which has a dot mark on it is made in the mint of Noida. Similarly, the coin which has a diamond shape below it is made in the mint of Mumbai. Similarly, if you see a star shape on the coins, then you should understand that the coin is made in the mint of Hyderabad. Now if you do not see any mark or shape on the coins, then you should understand that the coin is made in the mint of Kolkata.

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