Do you know how flies contaminate food uses this organ

Do you know how flies contaminate food uses this organDo you know how flies contaminate food uses this organ

If a fly is seen at home, office or while driving a car, then the person starts getting irritated by it. Nobody likes to see flies. This is the reason why everyone gets irritated due to their buzzing and dirt. The most anger comes when a fly flies from somewhere and sits on the food and contaminates it. Today we will tell you with which part of its body a fly contaminates the food.

How do flies contaminate food?

Flies are the most irritating thing for humans. Just coming near flies causes many problems to humans, and sitting on food causes even more irritability. Despite being irritating, you must have noticed that whenever flies sit somewhere, they keep rubbing their legs continuously. Actually, the fly has very fine hairs on its body and a layer of sticky substance is also present on its tongue. The fly rubs its legs against each other to clean itself. In this way, it leaves the dirt stuck on its hairs on our food. This dirt contains germs, which make us sick.

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size of the fly

Now the question is, do you know what is the scientific name of the fly and what is its size. Let us tell you that the scientific name of the house fly is Musca domestica. The life of flies is only a few weeks. Due to their short life, research is done on their three to four generations in a few weeks. According to the information, their length is about 7 mm. You will be very surprised to know that flies can never bite with their mouth.

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Fly food

Since flies do not have teeth, their way of eating is also quite different. The mouth of a fly works like a sponge, which absorbs food. Due to its straw-like tongue, it eats liquids. It also sucks the liquid part of other insects. Most germs are found in its saliva. When a fly sits on food, it contaminates it by leaving these germs on the food.

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