Do you know how many temples were there in Pakistan at the time of independence and how many are there now?

Hindu Temples in Pakistan: Targeting and vandalizing temples in Pakistan is not a new thing. In Canada also, the news of the temple being demolished about 3 to 4 times this year has come to the fore. In such a situation, it would not be wrong to say that temples are being targeted all over the world. There are many such cases in our country as well. But, if such news comes out from Pakistan, then it will not be surprising there.

At the time of independence, many temples had come up in the part of Pakistan. If we talk about the present time, then the figures are quite shocking. Today we will talk about how many temples were there in Pakistan at the time of independence and how many temples have been destroyed in Pakistan till now. Let us know what is the condition of temples in Pakistan.

temples were broken continuously

Incidents of breaking of temples and attacks on people of Hindu community keep coming to the fore from Pakistan. Even today many Hindu families are forced to live in Pakistan. According to the Pakistan Hindu Rights Movement, when partition took place in 1947, there were 428 temples in the Pakistan side. But in the 1990s, 408 temples were converted into restaurants, hotels, government schools or madrassas.

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Only 22 Hindu temples survived

According to the local people, Dara Ismail Khan built the Taj Mahal Hotel in place of the Kalibari temple in Pakistan. In Pakhtunkhwa’s Bannu district, a Hindu temple was destroyed and a sweet shop was opened there, while a school is now being run in the Shiva temple in Kohat. Such a decline in the number of temples in Pakistan is shocking. Now only 22 Hindu temples are left in Pakistan. The Sindh region of Pakistan has the maximum number of 11 temples. Apart from this, there are four temples in Punjab, four in Pakhtunkhwa and three in Balochistan.

The temple was found in excavation in the year 2020

During the excavation, the Archaeological Department found a 1300-year-old Hindu temple in the Swat district of the northwestern region of Pakistan. It included a team of archaeological experts from Pakistan and Italy. According to the report of archaeological experts, this temple was being told of Lord Vishnu. Then the question arose that in a country where temples are targeted, will this temple be preserved again? This question is still a question today.

Former Prime Minister of Pakistan in the year 2020 Imran Khan had given permission to build a temple of Shri Krishna in Islamabad. The construction of the temple had just started that some fundamentalist people demolished the wall of the temple. When the pressure increased, the government had to get the temple construction done.

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