Do You Know There Are Many Types Of Selfies Know Names Of Selfies And Which Do Like Most

With the increase in the trend of mobile cameras, the trend of selfie has increased. Often people do not forget to take selfie even if they are sleeping alone. Even when we go somewhere for a walk, we take selfies and even when we meet friends, we take selfies. Now the trend of taking selfie at every moment is going on. But, do you know that each selfie has a different name and people take different types of selfies. So today we tell you what kind of selfie is called. After this you yourself will understand what kind of selfie you take…

healthy selfie Often when people show that they are health conscious or are taking special care of their health and then take a selfie, then it is considered a healthy selfie. For example, the selfie that is taken in the gym or the selfie that is taken with some healthy food is called a healthy selfie.

Validation Selfie- For example, suppose you have got a new hair cut and you take a selfie to flaunt that haircut, then it is called a validation selfie. Apart from this, the selfie you take with your new look in the mirror is called Validation Selfie.

Snap Happy Selfie- This is the selfie in which the person taking the selfie tries to show his different mood. People often take such selfies when they are alone.

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amphitheater selfie- This type of selfie is the one that is taken at such a place, from which you want to take people’s feelings. Like when people stay in the hospital, stay sick, take medicine or are in trouble and take a selfie, then it is called Amphitizer Selfie. Actually, after seeing this selfie, people give you condolences.

Victory Selfie- If you achieve something and reach some point, then the selfie you take with the Victory sign is called Victory Selfie.

Duckface Selfie- When a selfie is clicked by making a pout or making a duck face, then it is called duckface selfie. Apart from this, now apart from duck face, there are many selfies like any face, sparrow face.

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