Do you know what will happen if oxygen on Earth becomes 90 percent? Even you might not have expected such a thing!

Many such strange questions are also asked about science that what would have happened if this had not happened? What will happen if the Earth stops smoking? What will happen if oxygen runs out on Earth? Such questions include. An interesting question in this context is that what will happen if the depletion of oxygen on Earth increases and increases very much? This is a question whose answer is somewhat different from expectations. While oxygen is an element that supports the life of most organisms on Earth, too much of it would be harmful. Let us know all this in answer to this question?

what is the situation at present
Now let us understand what is the status of various gases in the Earth’s atmosphere. On Earth, there is 78 percent nitrogen and 21 percent oxygen, 0.93 percent argon and 0.39 percent carbon dioxide, while the remaining one percent contains many gases including methane. The current situation has existed not for thousands but for millions of years and all life on earth has become accustomed to it.

the current balance will change
But we are talking about the change of oxygen. If the percentage of oxygen becomes 90 percent then it is clear that there will be a huge reduction in the amount of nitrogen on the earth. Both will have different impacts on the lives of both the earth and humans. There is no possibility of reduction in the quantity of carbon dioxide and other gases because they are already quite low.

The increase in oxygen on Earth will change life a lot. (Symbolic photo: Shutterstock)

What will happen if oxygen is 90 percent?
First let’s talk about increase in oxygen. First of all, due to increase in oxygen, chemical activities related to oxygen will become very fast. According to, the process of burning fuel will start increasing rapidly in the world. Airplanes will start flying higher. This will also affect the lives of humans. Apart from this, the breathing process of humans will be affected opposite to what was expected.

Will humans start dying?
Due to increase in oxygen on the earth, people in the world will start getting oxygen in large quantities for breathing but they will be harmed because of oxygen toxicity i.e. due to excess oxygen, the layers of cells will start getting damaged which will become fatal. At the same time, more oxygen will speed up our aging process and the lifespan of humans will start decreasing.

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The effect on trees would also be opposite. Because due to lack of nitrogen in the world, nutrients in plants will start depleting. They themselves will begin to die out and there will be a severe lack of nutrition in the animals’ food and it will become difficult for many animals including humans to survive. In this way the entire life system of the earth will be in danger.

Tags: Amazing news, Bizarre news, OMG News, Weird news

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