Do You Know: Which is the country where the President and the Vice President live together? is the relationship between husband and wife

The highest post of any country is that of the President. He is considered the first person of that country, while his wife is given the status of First Lady. But do you know of any country where both the President and the Vice President live in the same house and even share the bedroom? Now you must be wondering how this can happen, then let us tell you that there is a husband-wife relationship between the two. In this way, not only was the President the first person, but despite being the Vice President, his wife also became the First Lady. We are talking about the European country Azerbaijan.

A video related to this is becoming increasingly viral on social media. Video captions (Watch video here) It is written that in order to strengthen his power, the President of Azerbaijan made his wife Mehriban Aliyeva his Vice President in 2017 and this is perhaps the only such incident in history. Let us tell you that Ilham Heydar oghlu Aliyev is an Azerbaijani politician, who has been the President of Azerbaijan since 2003. Before 2017, there was no Vice President there. In such a situation, Ilham Haider created the post of Vice President and appointed his wife Mehriban Aliyeva there.

Mehriban Aliyeva is a doctor who is an ophthalmology specialist. In this way, she has not only become the first Vice President of Azerbaijan, but is also the first woman there. Apart from this, Mehriban is also the head of Heydar Aliyev Foundation and the president of Azerbaijan Culture Friend Foundation. Ilham Heydar and Mehriban Aliyeva were married in the year 1983. They have 3 children, whose names are Leyla Aliyeva, Heydar Aliyeva and Arzoo Aliyeva.

Tags: Strange and strange, The news is coming, OMG, Shocking news, Weird news

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