Do you know why people always board airplanes from the right side? Expert told the true reason

During the summer vacation season, many people travel by airplane for long distance travel. For many people this is their first journey while for some people air travel is a frequently undertaken journey. Planes have evolved over the years, but how we board them has never changed. People do not pay attention to this. That passengers always board the plane from the left side only. An interesting reason for this has been given by Michael Oakley, managing editor of The Aviation Historian.

Business aircraft were initially designed with passenger doors on the left side due to tradition, now it has become a matter of efficiency. Michael explained to Afar, “Much of the aviation terminology originated from nautical experiences and knowledge (hulls, cockpits, cabins, bulkheads, knots, etc.), and likewise, the basis for doing things in aeronautical ways is very much the same as sailing.” Is.

Just as the side of a ship in a port is traditionally adjacent to the dock, so is the aircraft. This is why people there also decided to continue climbing from the left side, like in the port. The boats were designed in such a way that the steering oar was placed on the right (starboard) side of the ship. Therefore, loading passengers and cargo in opposite directions became the norm.

Many of the rules and procedures of aviation came from ships, including carrying passengers. (Symbolic photo: Canva)

This method continued to be used on aircraft until United Airlines moved its doors to the right side in the 1930s and 40s. Over time it became much more efficient to have everyone board different planes from the same side and use the same terminal.

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“Since the pilot sits on the left, airports began to be built with the gate on the left so the pilot could better judge distance while taxiing to the gate,” said Matthew Burchett, senior curator at the Museum of Flight in Tukwila, Washington. It also means that all airport ground staff can work very easily, and all can stay to the right and away from passengers, and passengers can stay away from any machinery.

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