Do your children also swim in the pool Expert gives important advice to avoid infection

It is extremely hot in most places of India. During the summer season, most people like to take bath in the swimming pool. Some parents send their children to take a bath in the swimming pool during summer. But do you know how harmful bathing in swimming pool is for the body of children. Yes, bathing in swimming pool is harmful for children. Know what the expert has said about this.

Bathing in swimming pool is dangerous

To clean swimming pool water, chlorine is added to it. Chlorine chemical works to clean water. But if the amount of chlorine is high, it can also harm the skin. This can also cause problems like skin infection, tanning and sunburn.

Children at risk of infection

Let us tell you that swimming also provides many health benefits. But according to experts, it can also expose children to various infections. According to Dr. Mahajan, this can cause pool infection in children. The symptoms of pool infection are stomach upset, cramps, pain, nausea and diarrhea. According to the doctor, the cause of these symptoms is an organism called enterovirus, Norwalk virus and cryptosporidium. High levels of chlorine are required to kill them.

dirty pool water

Let us tell you that dirty pool water is the cause of many diseases. Diseases like hepatitis A, cholera and typhoid can spread due to dirty water. Therefore, experts recommend that your children use pools with clean water with proper training.

skin infection

Children are often at risk of contracting skin infections due to bathing in the pool. Because to clean many pools, excessive amount of chlorine is added to the water. According to experts, therefore, whenever you go to take bath in a swimming pool, you should find out the amount of chlorine present in the water. If there is excessive amount of chlorine in water then bathing should be avoided. This can also cause skin related problems. Therefore, bathing should be done only if the pH value of swimming pool water is between 7 to 8.

How to survive?

According to experts, after bathing in the bridge, children should come home and take a good bath once. If this is not done, there is a risk of spreading many types of skin infections including itching, red spots in the body due to chlorine chemical.

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