Doctors removed 61 magnetic beads of toys from the stomach of a 4-year-old girl, narrowly saved her life

A shocking case has emerged from China. Doctors have removed 61 magnetic beads from the stomach of a four-year-old girl. After the surgery which lasted for 3 hours, the doctors said that there were more than a dozen holes in the intestine of the girl. If there was a delay in the surgery, then this girl’s life could have been lost. For the time being, he is out of danger. Let us tell you that beads are soybean-shaped toys with magnets.

According to the China Morning Post, the girl had been having frequent stomach aches for the past one month. Such was the number and density of the magnetic beads, that he had to undergo a three-hour surgery to remove them. Small magnetic balls, which doctors suspect she swallowed on separate occasions. All these balls had stuck together in the stomach and due to this many holes were made on the wall of the intestine.

surprised to see the x-rays
The girl’s parents were not aware that she had swallowed the beads. In such a situation, he was surprised to see the X-ray. He said that the girl was complaining of stomach ache for a month. Magnetic beads can be easily bought in online and offline stores as a creativity development toy which teaches kids to build different structures.

Tags: China, OMG News, Viral news

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