Does hair fall continuously due to stress, know what is the truth

Stress has become a common situation in today’s busy life. Be it office work, household responsibilities or personal problems, there is stress in everyone’s life. The first and quickest impact of this stress is on our hair and skin. When we are under stress, a hormone called cortisol is produced in our body which affects the health of our skin and hair. Due to this, not only hair can turn gray but hair fall also increases significantly.

Continuous hair fall i.e. hair fall is a common problem which many people are troubled by. There can be many reasons for this like deficiencies in diet, hormonal imbalance, deficiency of vitamins, stress etc. But among these, stress is a very big reason. 

Know the reasons for hair fall 
The relationship between stress and hair fall is a serious problem which we cannot ignore. Stress is linked to a variety of conditions that cause hair loss. According to medical research, stress causes three types of hair damage – Telogen Effluvium, Trichotillomania and Alopecia Areata. 

Telogen Effluvium
Telogen effluvium is a condition in which excessive hair loss occurs suddenly due to stress. In this, the hair growth cycle gets affected and hair falls. In this condition, the hair follicles become very active. Hair pore is the place from where hair comes out. Due to their overactivity, hair starts falling in large patches, especially from the middle part of the head. This is a temporary problem. After the stress ends, hair usually starts growing again within 10 months. 

Trichotillomania is a problem which is also called hair pulling disorder. In this situation, the person starts having an uncontrolled desire to pull his hair again and again. When the level of stress on a person is very high, then pulling hair becomes a kind of coping mechanism for him. Pulling hair gives a person relief for some time. But by continuously pulling hair, the roots of the hair become weak and hair starts falling. This is a serious problem that requires psychiatric treatment. 

Alopecia Areata
Alopecia Areata is a problem in which small round spots start forming in the hairy areas and hair starts falling from those areas. It is a hair-related autoimmune disorder. Is also called. In this, the body’s own immune system attacks the hair roots and hair follicles. There can be many reasons for this problem, which also include stress. Increasing stress can worsen alopecia areata and accelerate hair loss. Therefore, it is important to avoid stress. 

Also read: If you work even when you are sick, then stop for a while, otherwise the risk of many serious diseases may increase 

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