Does kneaded flour turn black even when kept in the refrigerator? Know the right way to store, it will remain fresh even after 24 hours

Right way to store roti dough in refrigerator: We often knead the dough and store it in the refrigerator so that time is saved and we do not have to knead the dough every time to make rotis. But, when many people store it in the refrigerator, the flour becomes black and smelly. To avoid this problem, it is very important to keep some things in mind. If you want to keep the dough fresh for a long time and are going to roll it into rotis after hours, then keep some important things in mind before storing it in the refrigerator. In this way you can prevent the flour from turning black and your flour will remain fresh for one to two days.

Correct way to store flour-
To keep the flour fresh, keep some special things in mind. First of all, after kneading the dough, store it in an airtight container. This will prevent the flour from coming in contact with the air and moisture of the refrigerator. Its color will also not change.

You can keep the dough wrapped in plastic wrap, for this you can either use a zip lock or keep it in normal polythene in such a way that it is completely covered.

Mix one spoon of oil or ghee in the flour and knead it. Or apply oil or ghee on the outer surface while storing. By doing this, it does not get oxidized and remains fresh for a long time and the layer of oil protects the flour from drying out.

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Also keep in mind that the temperature of the refrigerator should be correct while storing the flour. A temperature of 2 to 4 degrees Celsius is ideal for storing flour. If the temperature is high then the flour can spoil quickly.

If you store the kneaded dough properly, you can keep it fresh for 24 hours or more. In this way you will be able to save time and the rotis will also be excellent.

Tags: food, Lifestyle, Tips and Tricks

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