Does lipstick contain cancer causing chemicals? Here is the answer

Side Effects of Lipstick : Women use more beauty and cosmetic products in the desire to look beautiful. Most cosmetic and beauty care products are made using dangerous chemicals, which if used for a long time can cause problems like hormonal system disorders, skin infections etc.

Not only this, there is a risk of skin cancer due to the long-term use of these products. Something similar is also with lipstick. According to reports, most lipsticks contain a chemical called Carcinogenic, which increases the risk of cancer. Not only this, chromium, lead, aluminum, cadmium and many toxins are found in most lipsticks, which can have a bad effect on health.

Chemicals in cosmetics-beauty products
Nowadays chemicals are being used in most cosmetics and beauty products. Extremely dangerous chemicals like PFAS are added to lipstick, lotion, nail polish, foundation, eyeshadow and mascara. To make cosmetic products last longer, many types of chemicals are added to them, PFAS i.e. polyfluoroalkyl is also one of them. It is made up of carbon and fluorine, which does not break down easily. It is most used in the cosmetic and textile industry.

Side Effects of Lipstick

1. Many chemicals are added to lipstick, continuous use of which can increase allergies or infections.
2. Continuous application of lipstick can darken the colour of lips.
3. Lipstick can cause many diseases when it enters the body along with food.
4. Lead, aluminium, chromium, cadmium and magnesium present in lipstick can become dangerous when it enters the body.
5. Aluminium present in lipstick can cause dangerous diseases like ulcers.
6. Many women use lipstick as eye shadow, this can cause serious damage to the eyes.
7. Continuous use of lipstick can cause problems in pregnancy.
8. Applying lipstick for a long time can also cause kidney failure.

How to avoid lipstick damage

1. Choose herbal lipstick.
2. Before applying lipstick, apply a base on the lips, for this use concealer.
3. While buying dark lipstick, look at the substance.
4. Avoid applying lipstick during pregnancy.
5. Do not apply lipstick more than 3 times a week.
6. Choose only chemical free and paraben free lipstick.
7. Do not make the lipstick long lasting.
8. Buy lipstick of a good brand.

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, please consult the concerned expert.

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