Does name in suicide note ensure punishment Know this law the problem may be easy

If a person commits suicide by writing the name of another person on the suicide note, then the person whose name is written gets upset. In such a situation, the question arises whether the name on the suicide note determines punishment. So let us know what the law says.

What does the law say?
The Delhi High Court has recently made an important comment on the point of mention of name in a suicide note in a suicide case, saying that if a person’s name is merely mentioned, he can face prosecution or punishment for the offense of abetment of suicide. Cannot be the sole basis for doing so. The court has said that the allegations of the accused should be seen under the circumstances of each case.

The bench of Justice Manoj Kumar Ohri said that under Section 306 of the Indian Penal Code, it is necessary to see if there is any connection or closeness for any reason between the actions of the accused and the acts of the deceased who committed suicide.

The person who committed suicide was under stress
While hearing the case, the court has said that after looking at the suicide note, it is clear that neither any details have been given nor any specific incident has been mentioned which instigated the deceased to commit suicide. The court has also taken note of an independent witness in the case, which states.

The deceased was upset due to giving the possession of the house to a stranger. While upholding the decision of the lower court, the court said that no material has been produced on record to show that from the day he left the matrimonial house, From that day there was no relation between the deceased and the daughter-in-law and her parents.

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