Does the electricity bill meter run faster in summer? Change these 5 habits today

With the increase in heat, most homes start using AC, coolers and fans more. In such a situation, people are troubled by the meter running fast and getting bills for more units. The question is how can you reduce the consumption of electricity bill in your homes in such a situation. Know which are those methods through which less electricity units will come at the time of reading in your homes.    

Why is the electricity bill high?

Most people ask why the electricity bill is high? Let us tell you that there are two important reasons behind this. First, there is some problem in the meter. Second, there is more consumption of electricity in the house. In such a situation, if a consumer wants, he can get a check meter installed by paying the prescribed fee. Readings of 07-15 days will be taken from the check meter installed in the house. After which it will be known whether the meter is faulty or is taking the correct reading.

Use of AC

AC is used the most during summer. In some houses, AC runs continuously for hours. But do you know that AC should not be used continuously? Actually, running AC continuously also results in very high electricity bills, while the load on the AC also increases a lot. According to experts, if you run AC the whole night, then after waking up in the morning, the AC should be turned off for a few hours.  

Ways to reduce electricity bill

• To reduce electricity bills, the electrical appliances in the house or institution should be kept switched off when not in use.
• Apart from this, high power consuming appliances like AC, motor, washing machine or other heavy appliances should not be run simultaneously. 
• CFL or LED bulbs should be used for lighting in homes, these give more light in less watts. Apart from this, they consume less electricity than other bulbs. 
• During winters, water heaters or any other type of heater in the house should not be kept on for a long time.
• Apart from this, you should check your electrical appliances from time to time because faulty appliances also consume more electricity.

• You should use only as many lights and fans as required in the house. Wherever they are not required, they should be kept off. 

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