Does the stuffed paratha tear repeatedly while rolling? Follow these simple tips to make parathas quickly without sticking

How to make Stuffed Paratha: Paratha is a favorite of many people. Most people like to eat paratha with tea in the morning breakfast. So some people also serve potato, cabbage, fenugreek and paneer parathas in lunch and dinner. However, paratha (Stuffed paratha) often gets torn while rolling. Due to which all the stuffing starts coming out and the paratha gets spoiled. In such a situation, you can save the paratha from getting torn with some easy methods. Let’s know how…

Mix these things in the flour

You can prepare the best dough for parathas by kneading the dough in the right way. While kneading the dough, add 1 spoon gram flour and 1 spoon ghee to it. After this, knead the dough with lukewarm water. This will make the dough of the paratha soft and there will be no fear of the paratha tearing.

While making the filling for parathas, remove the extra water from the vegetables. This will prevent the parathas from tearing. To reduce the water from potatoes, keep them in the fridge. Squeeze vegetables like cabbage, radish and fenugreek to remove water. Apart from this, you can add corn flour to reduce the water in the filling. While making the filling, add salt at the end. This will prevent your filling from getting wet and the parathas will be made easily.

Avoid adding too much filling

If the filling is less, the taste of the paratha gets spoiled. Whereas if there is more filling, the paratha starts tearing. In such a situation, while making paratha, take special care of the amount of filling. For this, you can take the help of a small spoon. This will not reduce or increase the filling and it will also be easy to roll the paratha.

Make double layer paratha

Compared to simple parathas, double layer parathas are very tasty. It is also very easy to make, so there is no fear of the paratha tearing. For this, roll the roti and put stuffing on half of it and then fold the roti. Put stuffing on half of it again and fold the roti again and give it the shape of a triangle. Now roll the paratha and bake it on the pan, this will make your paratha double tasty.

keep this in mind

Some people start making parathas immediately after kneading the dough, which results in bad parathas. In such a case, after kneading the dough, keep it covered for 10-15 minutes. This will set the gluten and the paratha will become very tasty.

FIRST PUBLISHED : September 2, 2024, 12:46 IST

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